Welcome to the U18AAA's new teams - Calgary Fire Black and Sherwood Park Reign!

2025 Provincial Championship Hosts Announced

RED DEER – Hockey Alberta is pleased to announce the host communities for the 2025 Hockey Alberta Provincial Championships, presented by ATB. 

Host communities for the 30 provincial championships have been confirmed. The remaining four provincial champions are determined through league playoffs. 

Championship tournaments are being hosted in locations across the province – from Peace River to Okotoks, and Jasper to Wainwright, the action will carry itself throughout Alberta. 

2025 Provincial Hosts > 

ATB is returning as the presenting sponsor of the 2025 Provincial Sponsorships. 

Participating teams for the provincial championship tournaments are determined through league playoffs. 

Hockey Alberta’s Tiered and Female leagues include: Hockey Calgary, Edmonton Federation Hockey League, Central Alberta Hockey League, All Peace Hockey League, North Eastern Alberta Hockey League, Rocky Mountain Female Hockey League, and East Central Alberta Female Hockey League. 

Week one (March 20-23) sees the first action on the schedule, with championships including: U18 Female A, U18 Female B, U16 AA, U15 AAA, U15 AA, U15 A, U15 B, U15 C, U15 A NBC, U15 Female AA, U13 A, U13 B, U13 C, U13 D and U13 Female B. 

Week two (March 27-30) features: Junior C, U18 AA, U18 A, U18 B, U18 C, U18 A NBC, U18 Female AA, U15 Female A, U15 Female B, U13 AA, U13 Female AA, U13 Female A and U11 AA. 

The final weekend (April 2-6) showcases Junior B and U17 AAA. 

Junior A, Junior Female, U18 AAA and U18 AAA Female provincial champions are decided through league playoffs.