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Important update for 2020-21 Officials Clinics

RED DEER – On-ice officials in Alberta are asked to take note of the following changes being implemented by Hockey Alberta and the Hockey Alberta Officials Committee for registration and clinics for the 2020-21 season.

For new officials, and returning Level I and II officials, in-person certification clinics will not start until after Thanksgiving weekend. The current targeted start date is the weekend of October 17-18, but that is subject to change based on developments within the province regarding COVID-19.

For Levels III-VI officials, they are eligible to sign up for virtual (video conference) session to obtain their certification for 2020-21. These clinics will be available starting in late September.

For any official who was certified in the 2019-20, that certification remains valid until January 31, 2021. Normally, certification from the previous season remains valid until December 15, but for this season, Hockey Canada has provided a special exemption extending that deadline.

Clinic registration will begin in mid-September (specific date TBC). Check the Hockey Alberta Officials website (officials.hockeyalberta.ca) for updates and current information pertaining to officiating and the 2020-21 season.