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AFHL coach development opportunity: Mental health for players

RED DEER – Alberta Female Hockey League (AFHL) coaches are invited to attend a virtual mental health professional development session.

Led by mental performance consultant and life counsellor, Clare Fewster, the session will take place on Monday, January 30. Fewster has worked with all levels of athletes for over 20 years.

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The objectives/outcomes from this session are:

  • Provide a brief overview of various definition related to mental health.
  • Present the Mental Health continuum.
  • Develop a few toolbox items/strategies to empower coaches to support athlete mental health in the daily training environment (dryland/practices/games).
  • Discuss the intersectionality of mental performance strategies that can enhance positive mental health.

This clinic is closed to AFHL coaches only. Coaches who attend this session will receive National Coaching Certification Program Professional Development credits.

The scheduling of this session comes after reviewing an AFHL coaching survey regarding coach education. Feedback determined there was a demand for a players mental health session for coaches.

If you have any questions or problems registering, please contact Hockey Alberta’s Female Coach Mentor, Danielle Wheeler, dwheeler@hockeyalberta.ca.